Monday, January 31, 2011

Kailee turned 3, How can that be!?!?

Kailee with Ben while everyone sand to her!

Rock Star Diva!

She loves Frosting!

This was at bedtime, she was one tired girl!!

Opening presents is a serious event to her!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Making Memories with Photos

 My sweet Kailee
 This is Adam and Deb
 Harlee May
And Kailee once again!

I know this guys!

Welcome 2011

So, it has been MANY months since I have posted here! I hope to use this alot more in the future! Lots of things are changing and happening in my life and I hope to use this as a wonderful tool to help continue this process! So look for all the great things to come! Here is a sneak preview...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

~True Friendship~

I have seen alot of people upset with their "friendships" lately. Then today I saw this status:

A friend is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten it. Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.

I agreed with it completely, however it lacked a couple of things... most importantly that friendships are a 2 way street. One person cannot do all the work. Sometimes one party needs the other's support more, but it must be returned when the favor is needed.

This is one of the best quotes I know of to sum up friendships:
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered. And now it is time to move on.
Then people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons: things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

Having 1 or 2 Lifetime friendships is a great accomplishment! It IS rare! I think to often people believe that someone is this kind of friend only to find out they are a REASON/SEASON friend. I believe either of these friends can be in your life long enough to almost look like a lifetime friend, but if we really look deep down inside, we can tell the difference, even though it might make us sad.
Also, it can only be a friendship of the lowest persons expectations... If I think it is a Lifetime friendship, but the other person thinks it is a season friendship, it cannot be anything more than the Season! No matter how much I pour into it, if they are not willing to pour in a lifetime, it will never survive a lifetime!

I think sometimes these people can still be part of your like, just not the same as you once thought. Sometimes the hardest thing is to relax and allow it to be what it is. Instead of mourning over what seems "lost" or "ended" to rejoice in the beginning of a new chapter.
Just because we don't meet each others expectations doesn't mean one person was right or wrong.

I have also spent sometime reflecting on the Friends I have in my life. I feel more blessed than I ever have about the people in my life at this time, and I can recognize some from each category. There are "new" ones who I think will be here for a lifetime, who I think started off with a reason. I have different degrees of lifetime friends. Some who, no matter how many miles separate us or years between visits, will always mean the world to me. We have shared a million memories that will last us a lifetime.
There is the friendship of marriage, which nothing can compare to and no words can begin to explain. I truly believe we have learned the meaning of "Becoming One" in marriage.
There is the friend who has ALWAYS been there. We may not always see things the same and at times not had the closeness we have today, but we have been friends, aside from family members our entire lives.More childhood hours were spent with her than without. We mean the world to each other, we get through daily minor struggles and sometimes bigger struggles together. We can and do count on one another. Things are equal and fair and I believe always will be. We bring out the best in each other, rejoice in each other successes, we don't point out each others failures, but show each other how to succeed in our next attempt. My life wouldn't be the same without it. That is for sure!
There is my friend whom I have had the longest without being related to. We still see each other often, though I wish we could everyday, we are going onto 17 years of friendship. No matter how much time has sometimes gone between visits, it feels like only days when we are together.
I cherish each of these friendships and many more, and just wanted to take a little time to say Thanks, and to hopefully help others as they reflect on their Relationships with other around them.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 work for ME!!!!

This year I plan to start taking more control over my life! I have a tendency to let people walk all over me. So, this year I will work on that! Today I think I have made great strides in that endeavor.
Last night, just as the doctor's offices close for the day Kailee started getting sick. Amazingly it was a Monday not a Friday! So right at 8:15 this morning, when the doctor's office is opening, I called. None to surprisingly I waited 10 minutes for my call to be answered. This office NEVER turns the phone on, on-time! Once getting someone to answer I am told that the receptionist no longer makes appointments!?!?!? (Then why does she still have a job???) She will let the nurse know I would like an appointment and she will give me a call forward 30 minutes to when the nurse calls. She wants to know all over again what is wrong with Kailee. I already told this to the phone answering lady, she put it in the "note." However, I explain again that I think she has an ear infection in her right ear. She has a fever and is miserable. I am then told that she will take this info to the doctor as soon as she is available, and they will decide if she wants to see her today. At 10:30 the phone answering lady calls me back let me know a doctor, who is not my child's doctor, would like to set up an appointment!?!?!?!?!? At this time I politely inform her that we will no longer be seen in this office! She replies with the, "On we are so sorry to hear that, may I put into the file why you have decided to switch???" WHY YES, YOU CERTAINLY MAY!!!!!!
1. I am the mother of 3. We have has literally HUNDREDS of ear infections in this household!!! I have NEVER taken one of my children or myself to the doctor for an ear infection and been wrong. Check the file if you would like!!! If I call for an ear infection get your lousy e-script ready cause we will need an antibiotic!
2. I live an hour away from the doctors office. If you are just setting the appointment up at 10:30 in the morning we are never going to make it to the appointment where we sit for over an hour every time. To the Pharmacy where we wait at least 20 minutes for your lousy e-script to get there, and then wait another 40 minutes for the medicine to be ready. Feed children who are miserable and back to Carrabassett Valley by 2:45 where I pick my son from the bus! Your new system is terrible for sick children!
3. I do NOT want to see a different doctor whom I do not like! My children's doctor is obviously over-paid for this area. She is ALWAYS on vacation when my children are sick, and I help pay that salary, So will NOT continue to use her services!

Doctors work for their patients....without us you have no job! Period! So if I decide as a parent that I would like to make an appointment than I should be able to do so without 3 peoples consent first. I do understand that with the H1N1 virus that people are flooding offices. So if you have a patient that is always being seen and never has anything wrong, say that you can no longer see that patient. Don't punish the rest of us who know what we are doing!!!!!

I got off the phone and called my insurance, switched the children's PCP over to the same one my husband and I have, called that office and made an appointment for Kailee. All in less time than what I spent on hold waiting for the "phone answering lady!"

The other positive is the office is closer to home and has later evening hours, so when Noah starts allergy shots he will be able to have them done right there, and not miss any school for it!

Just because I am a young mother DOES NOT mean I am an idiot! I have seen hundreds of different doctors and been through a few surgeries for my child. I know what is going on and I take great pride in being a parent don't insult me by trying to make me think that you control the shots here.

This "Health Network" considered my opinion to be important enough to make a patient ad about the Doctor and Hospital that I speak so highly about, so lets see what they will think of my letter of disapproval. Because they WILL be getting a letter!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

So here is where it all begins!!!

So, today I started doing a little research for Noah's first upcoming Orthodontist appointment. I don't like to go into an appointment not knowing what to expect! We recently learned that Noah had a crossbite. Nick also does but they have to wait until he has his 6 year molars to send him. We were told he will need to have an expander put in. So I started researching crossbites and expanders. What I found was ALOT of moms who had blogs to record and show the progress of there children along the road to a wider mouth! I have thought about starting one many times, just to record the everyday craziness I live with.

SO, here we are!
I could really do a Blog just on the current and upcoming events in Noah's life, but why not throw the whole family into it, just to make it that much more entertaining! I could write a book but no one would ever believe it was all true!!

I am a stay at home mom with 3 children. I currently attend 2-3 doctors appointments a week with all three kids in tow. I am now the secretary of the PTC (parent teacher comittee) which meets twice a month. Noah is in Cubscouts which also meets twice a month, and soccer which is Sunday afternoons. I also, try to spend a day a week with my grandmother who has alzhiemer's. Needless to say, things can get a little chaotic at times!!!

Noah has 6 doctors! A pediatrician, an Asthma and Allergy Doctor, An ENT, a Dentist, an Orthodontist, and last but not least an Eye Doctor! (I don't say this to complain. He is a happy, healthy 7 year old child. Nothing he has is life threatening, he just keeps me busy! I am greatful for what we have, it could be SO much worse!) As I said before, we are getting ready to embark on the journey into Orthodontics, but we are also about to begin the fun of weekly allergy shots! I will give more details each week as those appointments come and go, or todays post will become a book.

Nick only sees a pediatrician and dentist. For Now. About the time Noah's teeth are straight Nick will start! Nick is loud, and talks non-stop. I know he is 4 and this is fairly normal, but he is louder than Noah ever was and when I say he talks non-stop I mean he even talks in his sleep! He has a bold personality, and takes crap from no-one! He is alot like my little brother Corey, and I'm not sure what I ever did in life to have to survive that twice! :) But he is adorable and that's what gets him though it alive!

Kailee is almost 2, need I really say anymore!?!?! She is my first biter. (Which my mother laughs about, because I was her biter. I did it long enough that I can remember doing it.)
She has just reached the height where she can open doors and turn on lights, which becomes an increasing problem with each new day. Her hair is almost long enough to tuck behind her ears, but not quite, so we use barrettes or elastics to hold it out of her eyes. She pulls them out numberous times thoughout any given day and always puts them in her mouth. We loose many, none have been swallowed yet, that we know of!?!?

I am married and have been for almost 8 years!!!! My husband Ben is about to start a new job running the Sugarloaf Snowboard Shop. I am very proud of him, and know he will be GREAT at it! If you want to know more about him read his blog!!lol

Tuesday I started really watching what I am eating and drinking(No more Coca-Cola!), starting to exercise again, and get into better shape. So that will be something to watch the progress of as well!

So that is a nutshell of the things going on in our lives right now! Greater details will continually follow!