Friday, October 2, 2009

So here is where it all begins!!!

So, today I started doing a little research for Noah's first upcoming Orthodontist appointment. I don't like to go into an appointment not knowing what to expect! We recently learned that Noah had a crossbite. Nick also does but they have to wait until he has his 6 year molars to send him. We were told he will need to have an expander put in. So I started researching crossbites and expanders. What I found was ALOT of moms who had blogs to record and show the progress of there children along the road to a wider mouth! I have thought about starting one many times, just to record the everyday craziness I live with.

SO, here we are!
I could really do a Blog just on the current and upcoming events in Noah's life, but why not throw the whole family into it, just to make it that much more entertaining! I could write a book but no one would ever believe it was all true!!

I am a stay at home mom with 3 children. I currently attend 2-3 doctors appointments a week with all three kids in tow. I am now the secretary of the PTC (parent teacher comittee) which meets twice a month. Noah is in Cubscouts which also meets twice a month, and soccer which is Sunday afternoons. I also, try to spend a day a week with my grandmother who has alzhiemer's. Needless to say, things can get a little chaotic at times!!!

Noah has 6 doctors! A pediatrician, an Asthma and Allergy Doctor, An ENT, a Dentist, an Orthodontist, and last but not least an Eye Doctor! (I don't say this to complain. He is a happy, healthy 7 year old child. Nothing he has is life threatening, he just keeps me busy! I am greatful for what we have, it could be SO much worse!) As I said before, we are getting ready to embark on the journey into Orthodontics, but we are also about to begin the fun of weekly allergy shots! I will give more details each week as those appointments come and go, or todays post will become a book.

Nick only sees a pediatrician and dentist. For Now. About the time Noah's teeth are straight Nick will start! Nick is loud, and talks non-stop. I know he is 4 and this is fairly normal, but he is louder than Noah ever was and when I say he talks non-stop I mean he even talks in his sleep! He has a bold personality, and takes crap from no-one! He is alot like my little brother Corey, and I'm not sure what I ever did in life to have to survive that twice! :) But he is adorable and that's what gets him though it alive!

Kailee is almost 2, need I really say anymore!?!?! She is my first biter. (Which my mother laughs about, because I was her biter. I did it long enough that I can remember doing it.)
She has just reached the height where she can open doors and turn on lights, which becomes an increasing problem with each new day. Her hair is almost long enough to tuck behind her ears, but not quite, so we use barrettes or elastics to hold it out of her eyes. She pulls them out numberous times thoughout any given day and always puts them in her mouth. We loose many, none have been swallowed yet, that we know of!?!?

I am married and have been for almost 8 years!!!! My husband Ben is about to start a new job running the Sugarloaf Snowboard Shop. I am very proud of him, and know he will be GREAT at it! If you want to know more about him read his blog!!lol

Tuesday I started really watching what I am eating and drinking(No more Coca-Cola!), starting to exercise again, and get into better shape. So that will be something to watch the progress of as well!

So that is a nutshell of the things going on in our lives right now! Greater details will continually follow!